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Your 30-Second Guide to Interview Dos and Don’ts

Your 30-Second Guide to Interview Dos and Don’ts

Sometimes, it’s the little things that end up being remembered. For interviews in particular, it can be easy to spend all your energy focusing on the big picture, but it’s equally important to know the ins and outs of interviewing etiquette.

To assist with that, this infographic offers great tips for every part of the interview: before, during, and after. There’s even a bonus dining section, which is great for people like me who feel like eating during an interview is just a faux pas waiting to happen.

Interview Tips - Interview Do's and Don'ts - The Muse


Infographic courtesy of Rasmussen.


Source:  Dockweiler, Scott. “Your 30-Second Guide to Interview Dos and Don’ts.” themuse. 2016 Daily Muse, Inc. Web. 10 May 2016. https://www.themuse.com/advice/your-30second-guide-to-interview-dos-and-donts#z9iv.